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Find here the fashion brands that offer a single item like the Sejj bracelets, or very few items like our designer of handmade bags, or the brands that we stop, with cheap end of series. Our original brands have a life with successes and sometimes slowdowns, weaker fashion collections that we like less... Then, a nice collection and it's back on. A good example is the original and ethical Belgian brand Froy And Dind, which seduced us less during two collections, that is to say one year. But don't worry, Froy And Dind is coming back this summer 2021 with a great collection and we will be there at the party on! The artisanal or less known brands of women's accessories are also gathered here to save space in our site when our collections are less filled... Chic Ethnique has a long history with beautiful brands, sometimes unknown or very well known, like Akiko, Timomo, Xibiouz, Titis Clothing, Chaitanya, Bamboo's Fashion, Pickles, Mimdo, Zand Amsterdam, Gambettes, Laissez Lucie Faire, Bonjour Mon Coussin, Les Frangines, Fil De joie, Pamela Mann, Celeste Stein, Marie Antoilette, Tcheka, Timomo, Zergatik, Anatopik, Desigual, Art Company, El Naturalista, Fly London. Lots of memories and sometimes small brands that have disappeared... But always original and colourful brands, whether in ecological shoes, women's bags, fancy tights or women's ready-to-wear!
In short, our various brands are varied and present French designers of handmade bags, original coloured jewels, and really original women's clothing brands as we and you like them!
Some little brands you want to discover ? Here find our gorgeous originals brands, retro clothes or ethical clothes ! Find beautifull dresses, colored, vintage skirts, printed wrapskirts, original shirts, blouse and tshirts, some basics trousers (like our ethical jeans) or many fashion accessories like ethnical bracelets, original handmade bags from french designers and many others gifts ideas.
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