Chic Ethnique
Livraison gratuite à Partir de 35 € avec MONDIAL RELAY Pour la Belgique et le luxembourg
Livraison gratuite à Partir de 50 € avec MONDIAL RELAY Pour les pays bas, l'espagne, le portugal
Option Retour facile à 3€ dans le panier pour ces pays
Worldwide shipping 20€ and free shipping for invoice of 240€
Worldwide shipping, online sale, original shop
Home > Free delivery from 35 €

Worldwide shipping for all our products - french original shop

Chic Ethnique send your parcel all over the world ! 

For the nearest (Belgium, Spain, Netherlands and Luxembourg), find our partner Mondial Relay, it offers economic services with relay point (no hand-delivered parcel). Easy returns possible if you paid "SAV" article visible in the basket, it costs 3€ only. If you chose it, you will receive a prepaid PDF with a Mondial Relay tracking number, just print it and post it on a nearby Mondial Relay.

If you like speed or you are further, our partner La Poste send parcel all over the world.

For all orders returns are possible, just say it within your account with a SAV, and then send it back to

Chic Ethnique

2 Avenue Lafayette

centre commercial Géant Casino

86000 Poitiers - France. 

And put the invoice inside with "avoir" (credit note) or "remboursement" (refund)

Free shipping for France & Belgium from 35€. Original women fashion
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Country for Worldwide shipping delivery


Albania / Albanie
Armenia / Arménie
Belarus (Belarus) / Biélorussie (Bélarus)
Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnie-Herzégovine
Croatia / Croatie
Republic of Macedonia / République de Macédoine
Georgia / Géorgie
Iceland / Islande
Liechtenstein / Liechtenstein
Moldova (Moldova) / Moldavie (Moldova)
Norway / Norvège
Russia / Russie
San Marino / Saint-Marin
Vatican / Saint-Siège
Ukraine / Ukraine

United Kingdom

Serbia / Serbie
Turkey / Turquie


North and south America
Argentina / Argentine
Bahamas / Bahamas
Barbados / Barbade
Belize / Belize
Bolivia / Bolivie
Brazil / Brésil
Chile / Chili
Colombia / Colombie
Costa Rica / Costa Rica
Dominica / Dominique
El Salvador / El Salvador
Ecuador / Equateur
United States / Etats unis
Grenade / Grenade
Guatemala / Guatemala
Guyana / Guyana
Mexico / Mexique
Nicaragua / Nicaragua
Panama / Panama
Paraguay / Paraguay
Peru / Pérou
Dominican Republic / République dominicaine
St. LUCIA / Sainte Lucie
Saint Kitts and Nevis / Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines / Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines
Surinae / Surinae
Trinidad and Tobago / Trinité-et-Tobago
Uruguay / Uruguay
Venezuela / Venezuela


China / Chine
South Korea / Corée Du Sud
India / Inde
Indonesia / Indonésie
Israel / Israel
Japan / Japon
Jordan / Jordanie
Kazakhstan / Kazakhstan
Kyrgyzstan / Kirghiztan
Lebanon / Liban
Malaysia / Malaisie
Maldives / Maldives
Mongolia / Mongolie
Nepal / Népal
Oman / Oman
Philippines / Philippines
Qatar / Qatar
Laos People's Democratic Republic / République démocratique populaire du Laos
Singapore / Singapour
Sri Lanka / Sri Lanka
Syria / Syrie
Tajikistan / Tadjikistan
Taiwan / Taiwan
Thailand / Thailande
Turkmenistan / Turkmenistan
Viet nam / Viet Nam
Yemen / Yémen

Australia / Australie
Fiji / Fidji
Kiribati / Kiribati
Marshall (islands) / Marshall (iles)
Micronesia / Micronésie
Nauri / Nauri
New Zealand / Nouvelle-Zélande
Palau / Palaos
Papua New Guinea / Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée
Solomon (islands) / Salomon (iles)
Samoa / Samoa
Tonga / Tonga
Tuvalu / Tuvalu
Vanuatu / Vanuatu

France Poste aux armées (Liban, Afghanistan, Allemagne, Bosnie, Kosovo, Afrique, Polynésie, Haiti)

Country for UE and near shipping delivery

UE and near (Swiss country)

Allemagne / Deutshland / Germany
Autriche / Austria / Österreich
Belgique / Belgium / België
Bulgarie / Bulgaria
Chypre / Cyprus
Croatie / Croatia
Danemark / Denmark
Espagne / Spain / Spania
Estonie / Estonia
Finlande / Finland
Grèce / Greece
Hongrie / Hungary
Irlande / Ireland / Eire
Italie / Italia
Lituanie / Lituania
Lettonie / Letttony
Malte / Malta
Pays-Bas / Netherland / Nederland
Pologne / Poland
République tchèque / Czech republic
Roumanie / Romania
Saint-Marin / San Marino
Slovaquie / Slovaquia
Slovénie / Slovenia
Suède / Sweden
Suisse / Swiss / Switzerland

If you have any questions feel free to ask, we will aswer you ! Use the contact form under this sentence.

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